Camp Info
Kenong Rimba Park is located at the fringe of Taman Negara on its Eastern and Northern boundaries. This green precint covers a sprawling 128 square kilometres of Pahang's tropical rainforest. Immerse yourself in the tranquillity of this park - well known for being the one of best wildlife reserves in Malaysia. Take a slow boat down the river, explore the jungle trails and seek out the myriad wonders of nature. Kenong Rimba Park is home to pockets of limestone caves, which have become the destination of spelunking enthusiasts. The crystal clear waters that flow through the park and high cascading waterfalls are exotic backdrops to a large array of flora and faunas.
Heighten your senses as you traverse the forest and see if you can identify the myriad unique species of flora. Exotic and sometimes rare genuses of orchids cling and thrive on the mammoth trunks of trees like a big brother caring for siblings - such is the complementary nature of life in the wilds. Spot the tallest recorded tree in the rainforest - the Tualang (Koompasia Malaccensis), which often reach to a height of 150 feet or more. Another giant of the forest is the ficus tree, which often times are found tingly-wrapped around other trees.
Many of Kenong's caves remain undiscovered and unexplored despite the numerous expeditions launched into the area over the years. It is such state of pristineness that makes spelunking in the area a very attractive proposition, given the fact that the interior of the cavers may change from time to time due to the ravages of weather.
We provide you with a life jacket.Let you feel excitement of water activity.
Sleeping & Eating
The rugged terrain in and around the Kenong area has opened up opportunities for newer persuits, including a 4-wheel drive challenge, motor cross, cub cross and All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) endurance tests.
We will look for a safe place outside , provide you with a tent, let you feel the nature at night.
We also have outdoor barbecues.